Butterfly Tee - Blue

acia studio Smoke And Mirrors Coat

We stock acia studio
UK based


Limited stock

Faux fur hooded jacket finished by hand. Real cozy settings with an airbrushed smoke design in line with the collection's key themes. We are constantly fed information through smoke and mirrors - the truth being obscured or we are told an embellished version of a situation often from government and those in power. The jacket features a zip closure  removable faux leather straps and removable elasticated cuffs providing warmth.

50% Polyester | 30% Nylon | 20% Wool

*This is a made to order product so please allow up to 4 weeks for delivery 

acia [aah-she-uh] which is latin for thread; line; yar is a fashion and creative brand originating from the UK. acia encourages you to be yourself and not to follow the path that society dictates to you.

The essence of acia is to conform against the masses, an oxymoronic essence that encourages people not to conform to social norms.

We're super excited to host acia on AVESTE and think their range speaks very much for itself.

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AVESTE plants trees with Ecologi every month thanks to your orders!